  Guide to using adverts
Make an advert
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  Guide to using shops
Make a Shop
Search Shops
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  ©2005-2008 ROmerch.com  
Welcome to ROmerch.com!
The db is reset - the new relaunch is here! /go

ROmerch.com is your online place to advertise items or services for sale, for trade, or that you want in Ragnarok Online.
Rather than try to fit everything into your vending shop in the game, or fit everything you want to say into a chatroom, here is where you can setup an advert for a 1-off occasion and/or a shop for an updated online precence, and tell people exactly what you want. Then just advertise your ROmerch.com advert/shop in Ragnarok Online - sorted!
Get your friends to use the site too, the more people that use it the more useful it will be for all of us!
This site is still in testing so if you find a problem, please copy/paste any errors you get and send them along with a description of what you did to get them to us here.
Or you can just tell us what you think and give comments & suggestions etc.
ROmerch.com Team