  Guide to using adverts
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Advert Guide
  On RO Merch, an Advert is a 1-off post you make to advertise something - it doesn't have to be something you're selling, it can also be something you're buying, something you're auctioning, something you're trading, or something you want to get a price check on.
Remember - if you make your advert an auction people can bid for it, but remember to close the auction when you are finished so no further bids are made. Auctions close automatically after the hours you set in 'Auction Length' are over.

The difference between Adverts and Shops is Adverts are designed to be posted for specific things, although they can be updated to reflect a change to the advert - such as quantity needed after you've bought some.
After your advert has recieved responses and you no longer wish it to be responded to, choose to Edit/Close your advert, and close it.
Shops aren't for 1-off posts, they are designed to be maintained as you would a real shop ingame - with your current stock and prices, or wishlist, or other ongoing things.

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